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Who can apply for a LightMHK grant?

  • A mental health provider/professional (nonprofit or for-profit)

  • Mental health organization

  • Community group or club


How much can be requested?

  • Requests can be made in $1000 increments, up to $5000 per application. Organizations are limited to $5000 per calendar year. As we grow, the limit is subject to change.


Can multiple applications and grant types be submitted in a calendar year?

  • Yes. Organizations can apply for multiple grants within a calendar year. If the request is the same grant type already funded, the organization must submit a final report for the previous grant before the next application. Currently, organizations are limited to $5000 per calendar year. As we grow, the limit is subject to change.


What are the three LightMHK grant types?

  • Care Grant

  • Strategic Grant

  • Awareness Grant


What is a Care Grant?

  • Support for the direct cost of care for patients who meet specific criteria.

  • Criteria should include two or more of the following: 1) Household income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline. 2) High deductible health plan, uninsured or underinsured. 3) 0-26 years old with little family support or insurance or a marginalized adult. 4) Engaged in high-cost treatment services, i.e., TMS.

  • A portion of our Care Grant funds are earmarked for patients under 26.

  • Inpatient costs are not covered.


What is a Strategic Grant?

  • Support for mental health providers by strengthening their programs with funds for training, therapy tools/supplies, and strategies to enhance programs and address professional shortages.

  • Training includes professional development opportunities/tools and conference registration fees. It does not include degree programs/materials or travel costs.

  • Tools include therapy props, books, and other therapy needs, and funds toward computers/programs and supplies that strengthen a provider’s program(s).

  • Strategies include program development, staff recruitment, and marketing to promote a specific program.

  • General marketing of a practice is not covered.

What is an Awareness Grant?

  • Support for community projects and events that promote positive messages about mental health care, such as suicide prevention, how to access hotlines and care, signs of depression, destigmatizing care, and so on.

  • Mental health providers may also apply for special projects.

  • General marketing of a practice is not covered.


What are my responsibilities as an applicant?

  • Must be a mental health provider, professional, or a community organization promoting mental health.

  • Provide information on the application illustrating a need for the grant and how it meets our mission and criteria. The application might require a projected budget and project plan.

  • Sign the Acceptance Letter agreeing to fulfill the grant’s purpose and your responsibilities.

  • Responsibilities: 1) Return the report form within one year of funding. Include the use of grant funds, specific data, mentions of our partnership, and testimonials of the grant’s impact. 2) Provide the Final Report before requesting additional funding for the same grant type. 3) Partner with LightMHK by displaying our logo in your business and mentioning our partnership/grant in publications.


Other considerations?

  • Care grants are currently open for applications. We hope to open Strategic and Awareness grant types by the 2024 Winter Cycle.

  • The board reviews each application for criteria and needs. Requests not awarded within the applied cycle are held for future consideration if the request meets our mission.

  • Ultimately, the board decides the grant amount awarded to an organization.

  • The number of patients or future patients impacted by the grant may result in priority; however, the board will evaluate each request individually.

  • Patients under 26 and marginalized adults may take priority; however, the board will evaluate each request individually.

  • Evidence-based, best-practice services and strategies may take priority; however, the board will evaluate each request individually.

  • For-profits may apply for grants.


What are the dates of the Grant Cycles?

  • SPRING: Opens February 1; deadline April 30; distributed in May.

  • SUMMER: Opens May 1; deadline July 30; distributed in August.

  • FALL: Opens August 1; deadline October 31; distributed in November.

  • WINTER: Opens November 1; deadline January 31; distributed in February.

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